Winner - Jussi Award, Best Makeup Design 2023 for Sisu
Denmark / Norway / Sweden / Iceland
Feature Film, 2019
Nominee - Robert Awards Denmark, Best Makeup Design
Nominee - Edda Awards Iceland, Best Makeup Design
The Happiest day in the Life of Olli Mäki is a period movie set in 1962 and based on real events. I made a lot of research of the era and how people looked in Helsinki versus in smaller towns in Finland.
Feature Film, 2016
WINNER - Jussi Award, The Best Makeup Design
Short Film, 2018
WINNER - Toronto International Spring of Horror & Fantasy Film Festival, Best Effects
WINNER - Molins Film Festival (Spain), Best FX and Makeup 2018
Zombies - I have always wanted to create zombies for a film. At Lovemilla I finally got my chance to do so amongst with super heroes, robots and fun looks for the actors. This film really had it all.
Feature Film, 2016
WINNER - Jussi Award, The Best Makeup Design
One of the many prosthetics of the film. Hietanen, played by Aku Hirviniemi gets his eyes slashed by a piece of grenade.
Unknown Soldier was my biggest film production as a makeup designer so far, with 80 shooting days and more people in my crew than before.